You’re probably here because you got a little Mr. Robot card that talked about some cool features and some premium account credit 🙂
To redeem the premium credit, log in to your AMR account. Then click on your name (in the upper right part of the site), and choose gifting. Follow the instructions from there.
Loot drops.
Mr. Robot ranks it.
You roll or pass. AND WIN!
It’s that simple. Well, for YOU at least. Behind the scenes, Mr. Robot is crunching a ton of numbers. He also scans your gear, with his addon, so he knows exactly what you have equipped and in your bags. He’ll tell you things like…
- By slot: out of all of the chest pieces you could get (based on your filters), how does this rank? BiS or #5? Mr. Robot will tell you.
- By spec: one item may be a downgrade for your main spec, but an upgrade for your offspec. Mr. Robot will give you info for both, all on one screen to make quick loot decisions.
- Out of all the upgrades you could get (in a zone), how does this rank? Is it #3, or #14? Mr. Robot will tell you.
- Should I bonus roll? Mr. Robot brings the bonus roll calculator into the live loot ranking for you. So all of your roll decisions are on one screen!
 Combat Analysis: Like You’ve Never Seen Before!
When Warlords launches, our basic combat logs will be up. They’re pretty, they’re very user friendly, and they are collecting all sorts of good data. At the start, they won’t seem much different than the combat log sites you’re used to.
And then… stuff will explode! Mr. Robot is collecting and analyzing data behind the scenes. Once he has enough data, he will unleash a whole new wave of features for you. So make sure you upload everything, starting with 5 man dungeons.
- DPS Percentile: Based on your iLevel (and a few other things), how do you stack up? 85th percentile? 20th? Mr. Robot can automatically find people just like you (same iLevel, etc), that perform better, and tell you what they’re doing differently.
- DPS on Gear sets: Looking at BiS? Based on how well you play, Mr. Robot will estimate the DPS that gear set will do.
- Boss analysis: want to know how well other teams are doing? What strategies work best? Mr. Robot can look at the data and tell you.
There’s so much more. But the key thing to take home here: this is some next level sh!t 🙂