We’ve added in dual-spec support to make optimizing your character easier! Here’s how it works:
- Mr. Robot remembers your gear, stat weights and settings for each spec separately
- When you click ‘update from armory’ we check which spec is active and update that set of gear (and talents) only. So now if you log out in your secondary spec then click “update from armory,” you will no longer accidentally override your main spec settings and gear.
- You can tell Mr. Robot which spec is your main spec… you know, in case your secondary set of talents happens to be your main spec, he’ll let you do that. Right now, the main/off spec options drives the Best in Bag optimizations. It allows Mr. Robot to pick the best set of gear for your main spec, lock it in, and choose the next best items for your offspec. Learn more about the Best in Bags fanciness here.
If you try to switch between primary and secondary, and you’ve never loaded one of those specs into our site, you will get a warning message.
That means we’ve never seen your other spec, so you need to do the following:
- Login to WoW
- Switch specs
- Logout of WoW
- Return to our site and click ‘update from armory’
Do that once and you’ll be set for all of your future visits to the site!
Have fun optimizing both specs now! Leave a comment with compliments, questions, and constructive feedback 🙂