Hi there! We have a lot of cool features to help you optimize and find upgrades. Mr. Robot wants to make sure you’re optimizing your use of the premium account (or free trial). I’ve highlighted a few of my most-used features, so be sure to check them out.
- Find Upgrades: Bonus Rolls. This is a cool feature – Mr. Robot calculates the chance your bonus roll will give you an upgrade for each boss. He will even show you which bosses have the biggest upgrades and the most upgrades. It’s a very, very handy feature.
- Team Optimizer & Live Loot Ranking. This shows your entire teams’ item level and optimized percentage. You can also rank loot for every player when it drops from the boss – find out if it’s a 1% or a 10% upgrade for your fellow teammates.
I hope you are enjoying your premium account. If you currently have a free trial, it only costs $12 a year to upgrade to premium. We wanted to offer a very affordable price so everyone could use it 🙂