If you are killing 3 bosses in Uldir a week, you’re building up your Reorigination Array stacks. I’ll explain what this buff is and all of the details around how it works. Then I’ll jump into some ranking information to see how good it is for you.
How does Reorigination Array work?
The Reorigination Array is a buff that gets activated in Uldir. The buff adds 75 points to your highest secondary stat. So if Crit is your highest stat and you have 1,000 Crit. The Reorigination Array buff will bring your Crit up to 1,075.
You need to meet a few conditions to activate it.
- Condition #1: You must equip an Azerite item that drops from Uldir.
- Condition #2: You must be able to unlock the outer ring of traits on that Azerite item.
- Condition #3: You must activate one of the following Azerite Powers on that outer ring (note, all Uldir Azerite gear has one of these powers):
- Condition #4: You must also have killed 3 bosses in Uldir in a week, on any difficulty (including LFR). Doing this adds a permanent stack to the buff, up to a total of 10 stacks, for a total of 750 extra of your highest secondary stat.
This last condition, #5, is being tracked in-game, even if you haven’t met any other condition. Let’s say you go 3 weeks before getting an Azerite item from Uldir because the RNG gods like to cause you pain… But during that time, you’ve killed at least 3 bosses every week in Uldir. On the 4th week, when you finally get an Azerite helm (and you meet conditions #1-3), you’ll immediately have 3 stacks of Reorigination array.
The Reorigination Array buff is not affected by the number of Azerite Traits that enable it. So if you have two items with Laser Matrix, the buff will not be twice as powerful. The stacking power is only dependent on meeting condition #4 each week.
Blizzard also posted some of these details if you want to check out what they had to say.
Choosing the best gear to activate the Reorigination Array:
It becomes a really strong buff after several stacks, so it’s pretty easy to tell you that you should probably activate it. But there are a few nuances that I want to cover.
Which item should you activate Laser Matrix / Archive of the Titans on?
For some items, those traits are already the best option, even without the extra Reorigination Array buff. Sometimes those traits aren’t the best on any of your items, unless you factor in the power of the buff.
Mr. Robot’s tools figure this all out for you, from the free Gear Check tool to the premium Best in Bags tool. In the setup step, be sure to set the number of stacks you have to get the proper ranking.

Note: if you are optimizing for Mythic+, set the Reorigination Array field to disabled, since it does not work outside of Uldir.
The suggested result for my character looks like this:

You can click on the Azerite Power to see a ranked list that shows the value of every power on that item. As you increase your Reorigination Array power in the setup step, these rankings automatically update as well. (They update based on anything you change, all pulling from simulation data).
Here’s what the power differences look like when I increase my buff stack to 4. You can see how losing Laser Matrix (which includes the Reorigination Array buff in this case), would be a 5% decrease in power compared to the other traits I could pick.

The Stat Analysis section also shows you which of your secondary stats is the highest, so you know which one will get buffed. You can also see how close they all are to eachother.

How these traits get ranked & chosen
The rankings are all based on simulations that we’ve done for you, custom to your character. That lets us take everything into account, including:
- Whether or not you can unlock the required trait (Laser Matrix / Archive of the Titans), on each piece of gear
- The number of stacks of your buff
- The value of other traits you could select
- Whether you are optimizing for Uldir, or not
- Your talents + stat balance (if your best stat changes based on talents, this is accounted for)
When your Reorigination stacks get really high, the optimizer might do things that seem unusual, but are correct in order to get the most out of that buff.
For example, since you get more of your highest secondary stat, you want to make sure your best stat is the highest. Let’s say your best secondary stat is Crit, with Mastery just behind it. To ensure that you get extra Crit, Mr. Robot might remove a 370 ring with a ton of Mastery and replace it with a 330 ring with a lot of Crit.
How to sim Reorigination Array
While all of the gear optimizer tools have already done the sims for you to rank gear, you still might want to test a few things out, because you are a curious human.
We’ve got you covered. Head over to the simulator (it’s totally free, so everyone can use it).
In step 4 of the setup, look for the drop down menu to set the status of the buff. If you are simming Mythic+, remember to disable it, as shown below. For Uldir, set it to the value you want to test.

In this step, you can also choose the boss script. You can choose generic bosses or Uldir specific ones. Right now, DPS can use Taloc (tanks can use Fetid Devourer, and healers are based off Vectis). I’ll be adding more bosses very soon.

In game, the highest stat you have might change based on procs, like an Azerite Power that gives you a secondary stat, or a trinket proc. If those procs change which stat you have the most of, the Reorigination Array buff will also change which stat it is benefiting. When that proc ends, Reorigination Array will adjust again, always giving you the most of the highest current stat.
This is also reflected in simulations, so that it mirrors the same logic that the game uses.
Want more information on optimizing gear?
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