Mr. Robot is teaming up with World of Podcasts and OpenRaid to host a Blizzcon event you won’t want to miss. We’ve reserved 2 party rooms at the Hilton: one will be hosting panels on hot topics and the other will be for the par-tay!
* Disclaimer: Mr. Robot’s translation algorithm did not compute that the title of this article refers to the best hairstyle known to humans… the mullet. You do not need a mullet to get into the party
Panels (we love to talk!)
Since we’ll have so many of the top theorycrafters and podcast personalities in one room, it would be a waste if we didn’t get them to share their knowledge! So we have a separate room for panel discussions on various topics.
Want to hear on something specific? Have a good idea? Don’t be shy, tell us in our survey and don’t be afraid to get crazy and creative. We already got a couple of cool ideas from fans that we’ll be doing. We’re reading each and every response… it’s handy having a super-powerful robot on your side to process gobs of information 🙂
Meet your favorite fansite celebrities!
So this party room we reserved, the “RL Chat Room,” will be flooded with fansite celebrities who are excited to meet you. That’s right, they love connecting with fans (honestly, who doesn’t love getting gushed over? It’s a natural behavior for humans). There will also be a bar, prizes, autographs, and plenty of photo-ops.
Dying to meet someone in particular? Be sure to take our survey and tell us WHO, you know, so Mr. Robot & friends can e-stalk ask them for an RSVP 🙂 We’ll be posting a master list of celebrities that are locked in as the event gets closer.
* Disclaimer #2: While glomping will be allowed, please use only rank 1 glomp to avoid serious injuries *
See you there!
Where: Hilton Anaheim
When: Thursday, Nov 6, 6:30 – 11:30 PM
Stay updated:
- Fill out the survey, at the end you can enter your email address for future updates
- World of Podcast Facebook event page and Mr. Robot’s Facebook fan page
- World of Podcasts Twitter, Mr. Robot’s Twitter, and OpenRaid’s Twitter