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Why the Krosus script matters:
The Krosus script models the fight very closely when executing the fight well. It’s helpful to use because you can see how the mechanics affect your DPS.
For example, during bridge breaks, melee are out of range for 6 seconds, which can lower your DPS by 15-40k over the course of the fight, compared to a target dummy or ‘patchwerk’ style fight where you dps and never have to move.
This type of setup allows you to more closely model the game, which generates better stat weights, gear recommendations, and makes comparing talents (etc) more realistic.
Overview on our Krosus script & how we modeled it.
There are bridge breaks that affect melee, orbs of destruction for ranged, and tanks take a ton of damage. This article explains how it’s modeled (in case you don’t feel like dissecting the actual script itself).
It’s based on a 20 person heroic group, and all timestamps and movement requirements are pulled from reviewing hundreds of logs.
At the end, I also cover a few tips on editing the script if you want to customize it to your raid group.
How does it work?
For DPS, we model mechanics where you have to move and lose DPS time.
“But I don’t always have to move!” I hear you, and you’re right. So we model in the chance that you’ll be targeted by a specific ability that requires you to move. That means in some simulations you might get targeted all the time, and other simulations you might never get targeted, and of course, somewhere in between. Just like in game.
For a tank, we model the damage that you take. We also flag certain abilities that can be anticipated, which allows the ‘tank rotation’ to save big cooldowns for big spikes in damage.
We’ve combed through log after log after log after… to find all of the data needed to make this boss work. The default version is based on 20-man heroic. Toward the end of this article, I list more information in case you want to edit it for a different sized team.
What we modeled for DPS
Burning Pitch: movement for melee & ranged
- The model assumes you have to move for every burning pitch (both melee and ranged). The time you spend moving on each Burning Pitch is a random duration between 0.5 seconds and 1.5 seconds.
- This happens at 0:50, 2:15, 3:45, and 5:19 based on logs.
Bridge-breaking Slams: movement for melee
- Based on the cast times and data from logs, melee are out of range of the boss for about 6 seconds. I know it’s a lot, but even the top logs show this to be true.
- This happens at 1:30, 3:00, and 4:30 based on logs.
- Ranged is unaffected by this as they are still in range to DPS the boss.
Orb of Destruction: movement for ranged
- One person is targeted, regardless of raid size. So you have a higher chance of being targeted in a smaller group. We base this on a 20 man raid, with 11 ranged.
- We modeled that a ranged character will have a 1 in 11 chance of having to run to the back for this.
- If you are targeted, we modeled a 3 second duration where you are out of range of the boss (to run out and back in).
- Melee are not affected
Eye beams: no dps loss from movement
- With practice, most players are able to slowly step to the side, DPS, step to the side, DPS, repeat, until in position for the next eyebeam. This means you lose no DPS.
- IF you move a little bit, you can use this version instead – it has 1 second movement times for each eyebeam, so you can see how much your DPS drops from that extra movement. To use it, you need to be logged in and then save it to your list of rotations.
Hard enrage: 6 minutes
- There is a hard enrage at 6 minutes, so the boss script ends.
- Since the fight can vary in length by 15% in the simulator, the max duration you can set is 313 (so that +15% puts you at max, 360).
What we modeled for Tanks
Searing Brand stacks
- These happen at specific times, that are the same across all logs. They happen about every 2.5-3 seconds, with gaps when Krosus is casting other abilities.
- Each time the stack is refreshed, the debuff duration is refreshed to last 20 seconds.
- After reviewing some logs in a collaborative effort to figure out the right taunt intervals, we were able to determine you can do the fight accumulating 4 stacks on most occasions with proper taunt timing. You can see in the simulator we model it to roughly follow the 4 stack rule.
- Once you reach 4 stacks, every tick is considered “big” enough to use big cooldowns on. So when rotations check for upcoming “big” damage, this qualifies at 4 stacks.
- The damage taken is modeled after a 20-man raid size.
- This is considered predictable and rotation logic can anticipate it and use big cooldowns.
Slam Shockwave
- The damage taken is modeled after a 20-man raid size.
- This is considered predictable and rotation logic can anticipate it and use big cooldowns.
- This is not reduced by armor, and is modeled as such.
Orb of Destruction
- The damage taken is modeled after a 20-man raid size, and reduced based on people running away.
- We looked at logs to find the avg unmitigated damage that melee typically took in a 20-man raid from the orbs, which is 1,500,000.
- This is not reduced by armor and is modeled as such.
- This is considered predictable and rotation logic can anticipate it and use big cooldowns.
Auto attack
- Modeled to swing every 1.5 seconds (interrupted by his other casts).
- 2,035,000 unmitigated average damage, based on a 20-man raid.
- These have the +/- 20% range that it does in-game as well, handled automatically.
Extra information if you want to test things yourself & edit the boss
View the tutorial on simulating different Krosus setups.
I made several different scenarios that you can use:
- DW no-miss: If you’re a dual wielder and want to examine Krosus specifically, use this script. There’s what we assume to be a bug in game, where dual wielders don’t miss on Krosus (and just on Krosus).
- Fury extended bridge break: A lot of fury warriors stay in about 2 seconds longer during the bridge break and leap out. This allows them to keep the Juggernaut stacks up, greatly increasing DPS. If you do this, or want to test it, use this script.
- 1 sec Fel Beam – ranged moving for 1 second, instead of using the stutter-step
- 2 sec Fel Beam – ranged moving for 2 seconds, instead of using the stutter-step
- No Orb of Destruction – If you want to see the DPS difference if you never get targeted, use this script.
- 1 Orb of Destruction – If you want to see how always being targeted once affects your DPS, use this one.
Click the link of the script(s) you want. Then click the “ADD TO MY LIST” option at the top. When you return to the simulation setup page, refresh it, and you can now select that script in the boss drop down menu.
How to edit the boss:
- Login (you need to login so you can save it)
- Click the copy button at the top
- After you copy it, click the edit button
- Collapse the following sections: NPCs, Allies, Actions.
For DPS, expand the NPCs section, anything under here is for you. It’s helpful to have the other stuff collapsed, so that when you do a search (CTRL + F), the tank spells won’t show up.
For Tanks, expand the Action section. This is for you, nothing in the NPC section affects you.
Orb of destruction: If you have a smaller or larger group, the chance you get targeted by the Orb of Destruction can impact your DPS.
To change it, find all of the lines with Orb of Destruction. The “ranged targetable chance” is the chance you have to keep DPSing the boss. Right now, you see it at 0.91, which is a 91% chance (10 in 11) that you will be able to target the boss).
Take the number of ranged you usually run with, and find your chance to NOT be targeted. Enter that on every Orb of Destruction line in the NPC section.
You can edit the damage taken if you want to test out smaller or larger raids. Do this in the actions section, for each time the ability is listed.