First, a HUGE thanks for being a premium member. We really hope you’re enjoying the fun features we’ve built over the past couple of years. And we hope you’ll like the new ones we’re launching in Warlords of Draenor. /thanks from Team Robot -Yellowfive (developer of awesome) -Swol (designer and theorycrafter badass) -Zoopercat (social butterfly)
Update: Oct 22
We are working around the clock, fueled by a little extra caffeine, to get the premium features ready. We’re close… so VERY close.
- Best in Bags: ready on patch day!
- Upgrade finder: Ready on 10/22: Bonus rolls, burdens of eternity, SoO zone ranked lists, and item upgrades. Ready later tonight (on 10/22): world bosses.
- Robocouncil: this is getting a huge feature overhaul and will be revamped for Warlords launch or shortly after.
Use Best in Bags on Tuesday!
All of your gear will return to its pre-reforged state. Hit & expertise caps are gone. Stats are squished. Lots has changed. That means much of your equipped gear might not be the best gear anymore, and something hiding in your bags could be better. So your best option to optimize on Tuesday is first run your character through Best in Bags. That will give you a new starting point, and you can equip all of the best gear that you own. After that, feel free to do the regular ol’ optimizing 🙂 Also, if you want to help your non-premium friends, let them know that we will reset everyone’s 1-week free trials on Tuesday. So they can use Best in Bags for the next week 🙂
In case the Armory doesn’t work for your character:
We have a workaround that uses our addon. Make sure you have the latest version from curse OR our website (in the main drop down menu at the top of the page). Then follow the steps on this guide (some screenshots may be out of date, as we updated the addon, but the idea stays the same). NEW! In the past, our armory workaround only worked if your character already had been loaded on our site, and all it needed was updating. NOW you can load ANY character, whether it’s been loaded on our site in the past, or not.
Coming in Warlords of Draenor
Live Loot Ranking! The basic part of this feature will be free. But we have some awesome sauce to pour on it for premium users. It will let you save a list of gear (like a wish list) and send it to the in-game addon. Then, whenever a boss drops loot on your list, Mr. Robot pops up and lets you know you might want to roll. We’re really excited for this feature and hope to have it out with Warlord’s launch. Combat log analytics The basic part of this feature will also be free. In addition, we’re working on some features that will automatically dig through the data for you and pull out what’s interesting to help you improve – which is the special fancy schmancy stuff you get as a premium user. This feature will come later, after we have enough raid data to start analyzing.