I know you don’t want purposeful deaths to count against you, right? Not a problem!
Our addon has a wipe command. You can press the button in the addon, or the more popular approach, macro /amr wipe to a button 🙂 In the off chance you called a wipe too early, you can ‘unwipe’ the raid so damage is still counted. Yes it backtracks. No, it won’t rez your whole raid 🙁
If you want to be SUPER fancy, you can macro the wipe command to a raid warning too (so it announces it to the raid). You need to be a raid leader or assist for the raid warning to show up.
Raid Wipe Macro:
/amr wipe
/rw Wipe! (or whatever you want this to say)
Get the right tools for Raid Logging:
Our addon – this records gear, talents and glyphs for EACH pull for everyone who has the addon in your raid. That way, when looking through the logs, you can see exactly what everyone had equipped. It also has the wipe command and auto-logging options.
Our desktop application – This lets you upload fights to our site and collects the gear data from the addon file.